Acoustics - Isolation - Workshops
Technological Consultations

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Since 1978, Alexandre Boratto do Vale (responsible for Avltech) has been improving diverse, consistent expertise, developing many of his own inventions and techniques for audio, acoustics and other technological items.

While studying (1979/80)  together with expertise Claude Vennet ( ACC, AES *) he received Audio Specialist certification, increasing his knowledge of audio and acoustic matters which continued to be improved in future studies.

A period of musical education and time spent positively evaluated as a sound engineer at various studios ( Transamérica, Sigla,  etc. )  and shows ( Mago Som ), as well as previous work in the area of ​​design / visual programming with highly skilled professionals ( DIA design ), allowed Alexandre many opportunities to observe and he has developed innovative ways of working as a sound engineer and has improved his creative perception.

He set up his first workshop in a garage in Urca ( Artezan Audio Oficina ), and in 1984  settled in his own headquarters in Botafogo – RJ.

He has been responsible for the development of numerous complex projects involving various areas of knowledge, which he is able to merge to form a solution with an efficient use of various materials.

He has designed more than 4 dozen acoustically developed rooms, as well as several theaters and auditoriums.
Has developed his own creations or ordered and appropriately adapted various parts to meet the individualized needs and bold tastes of his clients His work arises with distinctive competence.

His workshop is able to produce almost anything, with a cadre of other collaborative workspaces carefully chosen and tested over time.

The high quality of services and the production goal is pursued in conjunction with the constant development of unique and effective techniques. He uses quality raw materials and his own excellent taste with a constant commitment to deadlines and work ethic.

Our clients can give their testimonies.

Know how to request our services.



(*) Audio Consultant Coordination / Audio Engineering Society




Home «» About Avltech «» Monitors & subwoofers «» Acoustic diffusers «» Doors & isolation booths «» Illumination & control «» Silent air exchange systems «» Joinery techniques & machining «» Studio & theatre projects «» Prototypes & design «» Contact  

Travessa Pepe, 94 - Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil. CEP 22290-020. Telephone: (55 21) 3988 7699